our research
we study the evolution of cLIMATE MITIGATION technologies, to IMPROVE their scalability, affordability, and adoption.
We develop models and theory about how clean energy technologies and other climate mitigation technologies evolve and spread. We take an interdisciplinary approach, marrying the technical aspects of energy engineering with the economic, environmental, and social aspects of technology performance and evolution.
Our goal is to understand the interplay between hardware and soft technologies underlying climate innovation, to accelerate clean energy transitions as well as adaptation to climate change.
our mission
reducing clean energy costs while designing desirable, equitable transitions.
We develop novel concepts, models, metrics, and analytical frameworks for understanding drivers of energy innovation.

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our approach
using interdisciplinary research to make energy innovation faster, less risky, and more predictable

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why this work matters
the soft technologies needed to deploy clean energy systems will make or break the transition to a carbon-free future.
We need as much rigor, experimentation, innovation, and analysis to deploy energy systems as we used to create the hardware involved. Innovation cannot end at the factory door. Together, let’s build multi-disciplinary approaches to ensure our future energy systems are cost-effective, desirable, and equitable.